What is More Heart Than Scars -Tanzania?

In September 2022, Erika Bogan, (Co-Director of Winrica Adventures) board member & Director of Ambassadors & Adaptive Athletes of More Heart Than Scars, an American 501-c-3 in the United States, traveled to Tanzania to summit Mt. Kilimanjaro in her wheelchair to raise awareness about suicide and mental health wellness in the United States’ disabled community. Erika became a paraplegic in 2002 because of domestic violence, and struggled for many years after injury with suicidal ideation. As a trauma-informed mental health coach and international disability advocate, she wanted to do something impactful after losing several friends throughout the years with varying disabilities, to suicide.

While in Tanzania, Erika saw first hand the lack of accessibility and knowledge about people with disabilities, both visible and invisible, in Tanzania. In February 2023, Erika decided to move to Tanzania to be with her husband, who happens to be a Tanzanian citizen.

Together, with her husband Winford and her friends from More Heart Than Scars in the United States, Erika decided to start a Tanzanian chapter of More Heart Than Scars, and from there, More Heart Than Scars - Tanzania (MHTS-TZ) was born.


“To empower Tanzanian families who have been affected by visible and invisible disabilities, by meeting basic needs like sustainable and safe housing and education. By easing these burdens, MHTS-TZ will make space for these families to learn ways to empower themselves through entrepreneurship and break the generational cycles of poverty for future generations. As well as, work with local tour operators, hotels and lodges by educating about accessibility and disability etiquette to bring more revenue into the country to support those who are working, locally through accessible tourism.”


To be able to take anyone anywhere and improve the accessibility for ALL in Tanzania.”

Leadership is about empowering others to achieve things they did not think possible
— Simon Sinek

How you are helping..

By booking your Tanzanian adventure with Winrica Adventures, you are helping fund More Heart Than Scars - Tanzania, as we donate 10% of all of our proceeds into the NGO.